Grace Potter & The Nocturnals Apologies

This is a live performance of "apologies" by grace potter and the nocturnals which recently aired on excellent all hd cable channel ravehd.

Grace potter & the nocturnals apologies. Song featured on their album this is somewhere. Lyricsyesterday he said my eyeswere fading fast awayi well what do you expectyou asked me not to stay and if it had all been for the besti wouldn't fee. Song from the album "this is somewhere" (2007)grace potter and nocturnals an american rock band vermont.
Stores and available itunes nowget grace potter & th. The single apologies performed live in toronto. Formed in 2002 waitsfield, they began.
Live from the artist den in bryant park, nyc, 2010grace potter (vocals, hammond b3 & guitar)scott tournet (lead guitar)matt burr (drums)benny yurco (. An exclusive clip of grace potter and the nocturnals performing "apologies" from guitar center sessions on directv. Grace potter & the nocturnals.